citing gender bias, state lawmakers move to eliminate \tampon tax\

Treatment of erectile dysfunction in Wisconsin is tax-free.

Women\'s health products can\'t be said.

Viagra in Wisconsin is not subject to sales tax, but tampon and pad are also subject to sales tax.

Because they are considered drugs, birth control, drug condoms, and yeast-infected drugs are exempt.

A member of the state said that taboos during menstruation prevented women from openly talking about their menstruation, which also explained why women pay extra fees to manage those periods.

\"Women\'s health has been misunderstood and ignored throughout history,\" the representative.

Melissa sagant, a Democrat from Madison, told NPR.

\"Some women are ashamed of their time,\" she said . \" She added that she felt reluctant to talk about the issue prevented the issue from gaining more momentum in state legislatures.

That\'s why she launched a bill calling on lawmakers to waive the national sales tax.

Sakint is part of the nationwide campaign to remove tampon and pad taxes, which advocates believe is a punishment for women\'s biology.

The debate is not new, but exemptions like Mr sagin are pushing for a new round of support.

Five states, including Minnesota in 1981, Pennsylvania in 1991 and New Jersey in 2005, have canceled taxes.

But some lawmakers say that taxes are not a product of simple discrimination, and that using this issue as an example of gender discrimination may ignore the nuances and inconsistency of state tax laws.

In order for all women to stop taxing women\'s health products, all 50 states must cancel the sales tax on tampons and pads.

Is the \"sanitary cotton bar tax\" fair?

Five new bills have been introduced this year, mainly by women lawmakers, who are currently at various stages of the legislative process.

If the Wisconsin bill is passed, the state will become one of 11 states that do not tax women\'s health products.

Five states are exempt from sales tax on women\'s health products, while the other five do not have sales tax across the state.

This has allowed 40 States and Colombia to still tax tampon and pads.

In addition to Wisconsin, lawmakers in Chicago, Utah, Ohio, California, New York, Michigan and Connecticut have proposed similar legislation, in order to eliminate what they say is unfair taxes that treat the period as \"disease\" or treat the product as \"luxury \".

The bill in Utah was rejected, while the bill in New York and Connecticut was resubmitted at the previous session.

In Michigan, the state\'s tax policy committee has introduced a bill that does not schedule a hearing date.

So, what is sales tax?

There is a simple definition: taxes assessed by the government when purchasing goods or services.

But, unlike other countries, even this is not very effective. S.

Let the states decide how to levy and what taxes --

There is no uniform way of taxation.

Some states do not have sales tax, while others do.

Most states tax tampon and pad.

Even in the case of state and local sales tax, the tax base of all states is the same except for the two states, this means that the way they tax the same goods and services is that the whereabouts of the same income may vary --

Maybe some of them will go to the local area, not the state.

In 40 states (

And the District of Colombia)

Tax on menstrual products, the tax scope is from 2. 9 to 7.

5%, according to the Tax Foundation, a right --

Think tank on tax policy.

In addition, some local governments have their own additional taxes.

These apply to every purchase of goods or services that are not exempt from tax, said Nicole Kaeding, an economist at the Tax Foundation\'s National Tax Policy Center.

Chicago, for example, taxed tampons and cotton mats in the state

Local rate 10.

25% is the highest tax rate for any major country in the United States. S.

The city, after an increase of 1 percentage point in January.

Kaeding said sales tax applies to all goods and services until the legislator agrees.

To be clear, no jurisdiction has tampon

Specific taxes as it may be alcohol or tobacco tax and there is no additional tax on these products.

Where women\'s health products are taxed, she said, they are subject to general sales tax.

\"We are not actively taxing sanitary cotton,\" Kaeding said . \".

\"We tax everything.

Tampon is what we need to tax.

\"Therefore, states generally treat sanitary cotton strips and cotton pads as\" women\'s sanitary \"products and do not waive sales tax because they\" intend to use them internally or externally, in the diagnosis, treatment, remission, treatment or prevention of human diseases, \"as stipulated in the New York tax law

Tax laws in other states have similar definitions of medical supplies and medicines.

Health quilts are considered \"medical devices\" by the federal Food and Drug Administration and are classified after hundreds of cases of toxic shock syndrome

A bacterial infection, usually caused by a highly absorbent cotton strip.

Reported in the 1970 s. But to Rep.

The Democratic legislator in Ohio, Greta Johnson, thinks the definition is not working.

The menstrual period is not a \"disease\" for her \".

\"These are medically necessary products,\" Johnson said . \"

Although drugs for the treatment of yeast and urinary tract infections do not agree with Ohio\'s tax law (

Including breast augmentation, contraception and family planning)

National sales tax is exempt.

Jennifer Weiss, an advocate and author of menstrual health, said this is not to say that taxes are malicious

To be more precise, she believes that many lawmakers simply do not understand the financial implications of this tax because they-being men —

Never purchased tampon or cotton pad.

Not that much money?

Johnson said support for the Ohio bill was \"just tepid at best,\" because most state lawmakers didn\'t think it was a huge tax for women.

Although Ohio receives very little revenue from sales tax, the amount women spend on women\'s health products every year is an expensive variable, she said.

The \"tampon tax\" can be increased by more than 66 cents per carton, but this adds up in a woman\'s life.

Considering that in many states, more than half of the population has spent decades (

So pay these taxes)

A big chunk of America. S.

The population paid millions of dollars for this additional expense.

Recent estimates by market research firm Euromonitor International suggest that a 12-to 54-year-old American woman costs $17.

Last year, there were an average of 60 tampons and pads.

About 70% of American women use tampon during menstruation.

Tampon in the United StatesS.

The price of a box of 36 is around $7.

Average 12-year-old woman50.

This means that it is estimated that there are about 450 periods in a woman\'s life.

On paper, it will be a huge income --

Generators, but proponents of the elimination of taxes say it is modest-so it should be easy to eliminate taxes.

For example, if California cancels its 7.

5% sales tax on women\'s health products, which would be a $20 million loss to the state\'s general fund.

Compared with the governor of California

Jerry Brown\'s recently proposed 2016-

2017 national budget of over $170 billion.

Weiss said: \"The sales tax volume of these products has decreased compared to the size of most government budgetsWolf.

But the Tax Foundation says it\'s not easy.

She said the arguments put forward by those who oppose the \"tampon tax\" tend to ignore the reality of how the national sales tax law works.

More products

With specific sales tax exemptions, the higher the tax rate on other products, she said, will make up for the loss of revenue.

She added that this in turn increases the motivation of other interest groups to lobby for more exemptions, or to find ways to avoid sales tax by reclassifying their products.

Classification problems make things more difficult.

When politicians pass legislation that exempts sales tax, they have to explain what category it belongs.

This is where things are \"very, very complicated, very fast,\" Kaeding said.

Minnesota, for example, exempted women\'s sanitary products, and its tax law continues to provide for items that it considers appropriate for that category, including tampon, sanitary napkins and underpants.

Washing, wiping and washing are not included.

The logic of some advocates against the \"tampon tax\" is that people should not be taxed because of any \"necessities.

\"It\'s not so much a debate over parental privilege as a refusal to think tampon and cotton pad are comparable to food in terms of necessity.

Opponents argue that a health item specifically used by a gender should not be exempted because it needs to be re-used

Even in some states that are exempt from sanitary cotton, such as Massachusetts, which is not exempt from pregnancy tests, the state tax code is configured.

The nameless global history of \"tampon tax\" while some politicians cite gender equality as a reason for not classifying menstruation as a disease or disease, it\'s a multi-billion-

Global industry headed by dollarS.

People like Kimberly

Clark and P & G are manufacturers of Kotex and Tampax, respectively. (


Clark and P & G publicly stated on the cotton ball tax. \")However, Weiss-

Wolf said it was a \"civic movement\" that had no corporate interests or the influence of state organizations \".

The movement is gaining momentum.

On January, President Obama said in an interview on YouTube that there was no other reason for the existence of the tax except that men made laws when the tax passed.

Online petitions around the world have also expressed similar sentiments, with a unified goal of redefining tampon and cotton pads as essential items globally.

Women and girls in almost every country have to pay extra for their government because some feel they have no choice but to buy this product.

Australia and the United Kingdom have already taken action to remove taxes, and they charge an additional fee of 10 and 5% per cent for a box of tampon or pad, respectively.

After years of complaints, Canada canceled taxes last summer.

Even the United Nations was involved.

The group declared menstrual hygiene a public health and human rights issue in 2013.

Not long ago, a group of women in Chicago won a class action lawsuit challenging the city\'s sales tax on women\'s health products.

On 1989, Anne Burke and Chicago lawyer Sidney Karasek claimed that the city illegally taxed these products purchased from various retailers.

Burke and kalaksk, now the Supreme Court judge of Illinois, believe that these products are wrongly taxed and should be refunded to the person who bought them.

Sales tax on women\'s health products was levied in Chicago for an unspecified period of time after the State Department exempted the products in July 1, 1985.

The Illinois Supreme Court ruled on 1990 that tampon and cotton pads comply with the state\'s definition of \"medical devices\" and exempt the City of Chicago from the sales tax imposed, according to the case in the Loyola Consumer legal review.

It was a short victory for supporters.

The state then narrowed the exemption and women\'s health products were again taxed in full.

More than two decades later, the debate about whether to exempt tampon and sanitary napkin sales tax continues.

Burke\'s husband, member Edward Burke, filed a decree in February to remove sales tax on these products in Chicago.

He and Leslie Heston members wanted to re-classify these products from \"Beauty and hygiene\" to \"medical devices\" in municipal regulations \".

It\'s a short time to cancel the tax.

Long term monetary loss that may result in long-term monetary loss

California Democrat Christine Garcia says the word \"girl success.

She said the girls told her they missed school because they couldn\'t afford women\'s hygiene products --

Someone even used socks instead. She co-

In January, a bill was introduced in her state to eliminate the state and local tax on women\'s health products by reclassifying women\'s health products as Medicare-compliant medical necessities.

\"It\'s about fairness and access,\" she said . \".

\"There is no other tax that is this gender bias [ed].

\"The non-profit National Men\'s Union provided written support for the bill in January, provided that it was amended so that men would not be taxed for gender.

The letter suggests adding protective gear and condoms to the sales list

Tax exemption programs will help achieve gender tax equality.

Niceday is professional brand/manufacturer for personal hygiene products. Check their webiste for further information.


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