How to Paint Ion Alloy Wheels

Painting of wheels transforms them into what you want them to look like. You can choose any color depending on the color of your car or your preference. When choosing primer, use a corrosive inhibitive primer to prevent shedding. Ensure the paint is durable to avoid fast fading, flaking, peeling and chipping. You will need the following things:

Detergent and water

Scouring pad and Mask

Painters tape and a Moon-shaped cardboard



120-320, 600, and the 1000-1500 grit sand papers


Color paint and Clear paint

1. You can paint the wheels while removed from the car or not. Clean the Ion Alloy Wheel thoroughly to remove dirt and grime. The paint is most likely not going to hold if the wheel is dirty. Clean the wheel thoroughly with soap or detergent, a scouring pad and water. Use Trisodium Phosphate to remove any grease and oil that wasn't taken out by the first clean. Dry the wheel thoroughly with a towel.

2. After cleaning the wheels, use the 120-320 grit sand paper to remove the current finish. This will also help the undercoat (primer) stick to the wheels when applied. Ion Alloy Wheels are made of chrome hence you have to make sure you get below the chrome surface when sanding. Sanding ensures that all flaking, oxidation, dust and dirt are removed. Sand the wheels again using a 600 grit sandpaper to make sure small bumps, debris and flaws are removed.

3. If the wheels are not removed, cover the tires with painters tape and plastic sheeting. Put the tape around the rim's edges and on the side walls to protect the tire from getting paint. Using the moon-shaped (half-moon preferably) cut cardboard to protect the paint from the spray by placing it at an angle between the wheel and the wheel well.

4. Put on a mask to avoid inhaling the paint and start the primer. Ensure the working area is dust free to avoid dust catching on the wet paint. Spraying 2 to 3 coats of the primer will do on the wheel. After it dries up, sand it lightly using the 600 grit sand paper.

5. The Ion Alloy Wheels are then sprayed with 2 to 3 coats of color paint. Avoid runs and imperfections to avoid repeating the process the following day. If you decide to use rubbing compound on paint, make sure any remaining compound is washed off before you apply the clear coat. Satisfied the paint looks good, spray the clear coat on.

6. Spray the Ion Alloy Wheels with 2 to 3 coats of clear coat and leave it overnight to dry. Remove rough edges and imperfections using the 1000 to 1500 grit sand paper. To make sure the shine on the wheel is back, use the fine rubbing compound. The Carbona Wax is then applied to ensure more protection and shine.

After painting, give the paint time to dry before driving your car. Spray in an open space for ventilation purposes. Always have extra paint to touch when necessary. Protect your wheels from scratches when removing them or changing tires. Your wheels after drying are an incredible sight to look at.


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