Successful handbag matching adds a different kind of fun to your life

For women, the handbag is simply an indispensable collocation, shopping, going to work, dating, if there is no bag, it is estimated that women will be crazy. Therefore, choosing a suitable handbag to match your look can add a lot to your overall look. On the contrary, choosing the wrong handbag will not add color to your look, but will make the look look like a failure. . Therefore, while women pay attention to clothing, the choice of bags is also very important. Today,handbag manufacturer will tell you how to buy bags.

1. Bright type

As the name suggests, this type of handbag has bright and rich colors and lively styles, giving people a fresh feeling. This type of handbag is used more frequently in spring and summer, because the clothes in this season are mostly light-colored, which matches with colorful bags. However, this type of handbag is best not to choose an oversized style. The colorful big handbag is more suitable for the tall figure and skin tone of Europeans and Americans. It is difficult for Asians to recite the tropical style, so it is better to choose a smaller style.


2. Stable and heavy

This type of handbag is more suitable for office workers, and the colors are mostly black, coffee, white monochrome or dark plaid. Considering that white-collar workers need to wear formal attire when working, and the colors of clothing are mostly dark colors such as black, white, coffee, etc., the selected handbag should have a distinctive style in style and details, such as tassels, rivets, metal chains, and inlays. Details such as decoration can add highlights to a dull color.


3. Leisure type

This kind of handbag is more casual, mainly messenger, backpack, single shoulder, most suitable for shopping and outing. This type of handbag is generally relatively large and has sufficient capacity, and the fabrics are mostly canvas and denim fabrics. And this kind of handbag is very suitable for DIY. Girls who like to decorate badges and pendants on their bags can also show off your matching talents.


4. Luxury

This kind of handbag has relatively few opportunities to use, and is generally suitable for banquets, dances, weddings and other occasions. In the choice of fabrics, you can choose gorgeous and shiny materials such as silk, satin, sequins, etc. The styles are mainly handbags and handbags, and the size is best to choose small, which can fully show the dignity and elegance of women.


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