Cargo handover procedures in automobile cargo transportation

Cargo handover procedures in automobile cargo transportation

(1) Delivery and receipt of packaged goods by the contracting parties: In principle, bulk goods must be paid in pounds; heavy "door-to-door" containers, containers and other sealed goods must be delivered with lead seals.

(2) The shipper shall deliver the goods according to the agreed loading and unloading procedures; when loading the goods, both parties shall check the name, specification, and quantity of the goods on the spot, and check whether the packaging meets the prescribed standards or requirements. After the carrier confirms that it is correct, it shall Sign the shipper's delivery note; if it is found to be inconsistent with the regulations or endangering the safety of transportation, it is not allowed to ship; if the package is slightly damaged and it is difficult to repair and exchange in a short time, the shipper insists on loading and starting the shipment. Shipment can only be carried out after the record, signature and seal, and the shipper is responsible for the consequences.

(3) After the goods are delivered to the designated place, the consignee and the carrier shall hand over the goods on the spot, and the consignee shall sign the freight settlement voucher held by the carrier after the inspection is correct; if the goods are found to be damaged or poor, the transfer personnel of both parties shall make a record And signed, after the two parties jointly ascertain the situation and clarify the responsibilities, the consignee shall make a clear note on the freight voucher; the consignee shall not refuse to accept the goods due to damage to the goods.

(4) When the cargo is handed over, if both parties have doubts about the weight and content of the cargo, they can submit an inspection and rebalancing. If there is any discrepancy, they will be dealt with in accordance with relevant regulations; the responsible party shall bear the costs of inspection and rebalancing.

(5) The carrier shall deal with the goods that have not been picked up for more than 30 days from the next day after the receipt notice occurs:

①Establish a ledger, register it in time, keep it properly, not use it during storage, and carefully find the owner.

②After inquiries by multiple parties, the goods that have not been picked up for more than one month shall be handled in accordance with the "Measures on the Handling of Goods Unable to Deliver at Ports and Stations" by the State Economic Commission; but the fresh and difficult to keep goods are not subject to time restrictions upon approval by the competent department of the enterprise.


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