The difference between industrial washing machine washing and dry cleaning

Washing is to wash clothes with chemical solvents. With industrial washing machine equipment, clothes are washed in water by means of washing solvents, heat and mechanical force.

The scrubbing agent used in dry cleaning and washing can be said to be completely different, the scrubbing process is also different, and the scrubbing equipment used is also different.

The intention of washing the clothes is to separate the dirt on the clothes from the fibers of the clothes after washing, and clean. The separation process of dirt from the fiber in the washing and dry cleaning process is completely different.

Originally, the fibers of many clothes, especially wool fibers, will swell after being touched with water. This swelling is affected by the temperature and mechanical movement of the washing process and damages the fibers. The results of this damage will cause the clothes to shrink and become tangled Result, its application value is reduced.

Dry cleaning uses chemical solvents to wash, and most of the clothes, especially the fibers of pure wool clothing, will not swell in the solvent, so the original shape and scale are maintained during the dry cleaning process. Solvents are used to remove and clean the dirt in the clean fiber, so that the dry-cleaned clothes will not shrink or deform, and maintain the original luster and texture.

Because the above-mentioned industrial industrial washing machine washing and dry cleaning have different effects on clothing fibers.

When using an industrial washing machine to wash linen, you need to pay attention to some conditions, otherwise it will cause damage to the linen.

1. Feeding is wrong during washing: it is not possible to feed it when the amount of water in the machine is not sufficient, especially strong alkaline and bleaching chemicals. It is so simple that the scrubbing agent will gather in the linen and cause damage.

2. Improper use of bleaching agent: The use of bleaching powder in laundry detergents has a greater impact on linens, especially chlorine bleaching powder. If the application temperature is inappropriate, the application concentration is too high, and the residual amount after washing is too much Etc. will cause the linen to change color and even show small holes

3. The linen is stained with corrosive chemicals and not washed immediately: Some of the various cleaning supplies used in the hotel are corrosive, especially some strong acid detergents have a great impact on cotton fabrics. When the hotel attendant collects linen or cleans the room, the cotton fabric is stained with these detergents and not immediately washed off, which will also cause part of the linen to be damaged and the fastness to deteriorate.

4. Misuse of detergents: The detergents in laundry rooms are all chemical products, which require certain training and related common sense to use them accurately. Otherwise, there may be mistakes in mixed use of detergents or incorrect addition of materials, which will also cause the effect of washing. Poor and even damaged linen.

The second is machine and human reasons, such as:

1. The inner drum of industrial washing machine equipment has parts that are not very lubricated, which may cause the linen to appear torn or worn during the washing process.

2. The sub-inspection operation before washing is not very serious, so that some sharp or hard debris is mixed in it, and the linen is constantly tumbling in the drum and worn out during washing. For example, toothpicks or small cutlery wrapped in a tablecloth may cause the tablecloth to show small holes after washing.

3. Before and after washing, when loading or taking out the linen, excessive force or sharp objects punctured or hooked.

4. Ignorance in the transportation process of industrial washing machines causes the linen to be torn or torn. No matter clean or dirty linen, there should be a special transport bag or transport vehicle in the transport process, and the linen to be washed cannot be used Wrap and hang on the ground.

5. The storage environment of linen: cotton fabrics must be stored away from moisture, the warehouse should be well ventilated, and the shelf edges of the warehouse should be lubricated.


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