What is Flow Meter?

Flow meter is a device designed for measuring nonlinear or linear flow rate. It measures the volumetric or mass flow rate of gases or liquids. ome flowmeters are meant to measure the fluid amount flowing inside them after a period of time. Other flowmeters are meant to count the total amount in liters of fluid that has gone through them.

Most flowmeters have three parts: the primary device, a transducer, and a transmitter. The work of the transducer is to sense the fluid passing the primary device. Raw signal from the transducer is then turned into usable data by the transmitter. A flowmeter may consist of one or many physical devices since these components are most of the time combined.

What is the Purpose of a Flow Meter?

Flowmeters are used to measure the mass flow rate or the volumetric flow rate of a fluid in many types of applications. The type of airflow meter is based on its application. Volumetric flow rate and mass flow rate are units used to measure gases and liquids. Both volumetric mass rates are related to the density of the fluid.

Pressure & Temperature Ranges

Another vital piece of info that should be laid bare when choosing a flowmeter is about temperature value. What are the expected min and max pressure? Data about the normal operating values should also be known when choosing wholesale industrial flow meter. It is also good to know if sudden temp changes are expected and whether extra safety measures are required when cleaning or carrying out repairs. The system efficiency also depends on knowing whether slug flow will be present (air-solids-liquid). Users should also know whether the flow will always fill the pipe or whether the flow can reverse. Will the flow always feel the pipe or not? Knowing if pulsating and aeration will be there is also vital.

Flow Meters – How Do They Work?

A flow meter is meant to measure the amount of gas, steam, or liquid passing around or through it. Although there are many kinds of wholesale flow meter sensors that work in different ways, they all have one set goal, and that is to give the most accurate flow rate report based on the application. The data gotten could either be for general research, process control, or processing. Flow meters are either used to measure volume or mass.

Choose the right Flowmeter

In best volumetric flow meters, a simple turbine principle is used to create a pulse output that's directly proportional to the flow rate. When fluid is going through the flow sensor, a Hall Effect transistor is turned on and off by magnets in the six-spoke rotor. Based on the input voltage, the sensor's pulse output signal is a square wave. At each meter's max flow rate, the output frequency ranges to 240 Hz. 

Vortex Flow Meters

Vortex flow meters provide cost-effective, accurate, and concise reading of heat-transfer fluids and other liquids using the vortex principle. The total frequency of vortices shed by a bluff body is detected by an in-line sensor in the flow stream. A pulse output signal is then generated, which is directly proportional to the liquid's flow rate.

How much maintenance does a flowmeter require?

A flow meter's maintenance and lifespan is influenced by various factors. One obvious factor is using the right flow meter with the right application. Failure to match a proper flow meter to the right application will lead to breakages and device damages at an early stage. Flow meters that consist of moving parts usually need more attention in terms of maintenance than flow meters with no moving parts. However, all flow meters require maintenance one way or another.

Kaidi is offering the best flow meter products to valuable clients from 2012. Some industries that use our devices like flow meters, flow-switches, and sensors are medical, thermal industries, and technicians. You can order the products according to your preference. Customization is available on many of the products.


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